The table below contains Reinin traits.
Choose 3 or 4 traits which match you (or someone you know) for sure, and you’ll determine your (or someone else’s) sociotype with a good accuracy.

Click to select. Click again to unselect. You can also unselect all traits.
Only one trait in any pair can be selected (e.g. one can’t be both introvert and extravert).

The table below shows sociotypes that match the traits you’ve selected.

Hover on a sociotype to see all corresponding traits.
Click to select. Click again to unselect.


Individual traits

Uses imagination and reflection rather than manipulates real objects. Focuses on relations between self and the outer world. Introvert Extravert Manipulates real objects, feelings, emotions and sensations rather than delves into a world of imagination. Focuses on the outer world and relations between its objects.
Better perceives real objects and their relations, general principles and trends. Sees the world through the prism of rules and logical connections. Logical Ethical Better perceives feelings, emotions and concerns, as well as interpersonal relationships.
Better perceives non-material side of the world — ideas, concepts, and the like. Quickly absorbs new information, but because of poor digestion doesn’t keep it in memory for too long. Intuitive Sensing Better perceives material side of the world — taste, color, and the like. Slowly absorbs new information, but thanks to good digestion keeps it in memory for a long time.
Perceives reality as unrelated stills. Notices the state of an object or process at a given moment, but overlooks changes and trends in them. Static Dynamic Perceives reality as a series of interrelated events. Notices trends and changes in an object or process, but overlooks their state at a given moment.
Sees what’s present rather than what’s absent. First of all, notices the positives — “The weather is good, the sky is clear.” Positive Negative Sees what’s absent rather than what’s present. First of all, notices the negatives — “The weather is not bad, not a cloud in the sky.”
Typically speaks in questions. Prefers dialogues to monologues. Tends to use short remarks, because he or she is more interested in hearing the other person than self-expression. Asking Declaring Typically speaks in statements. Prefers monologues to dialogues. Tends to make detailed speeches, because he or she is more interested in self-expression than hearing the other person.
Tends to make local decisions based on the current state of things. Cares more about the path, which is the order of steps and actions. Finds it easier to change the goal than the chosen tactics. Tactical Strategic Tends to make global decisions based on the prominent future. Cares more about the goal and the desired state of things. Finds it easier to set a goal than to decide on the next step.
First perceives the meaning, then the emotional implication. It’s not typical of him or her to adjust to the other person’s mood. Constructive Emotive First perceives the emotional implication, then the meaning. It’s typical of him or her to adjust to the other person’s mood.

Diadic traits

First assesses the incoming information, then comes up with a response (or applies an existing pattern) to the situation using his or her experience. Rational Irrational Takes in the incoming information directly without assessing it or relating it to his or her experience.
Focuses on a process, finds it hard to tune out of it or tune back in. It’s typical of him or her to do the work from the beginning to the end without switching to something else. Process-oriented Result-oriented Can multi-task. It’s typical of him or her to divide the work into smaller portions and monitor reaching the milestones.
It’s easy to change his or her mind. Can give a head start to partners, consider counter-offers and compromise. Yielding Obstinate It’s hard to change his or her mind — strong arguments are needed. Will use any measures and sources to achieve the goal. Isn’t usually keen on compromizing.
Believes that one can’t foresee everything. Once in a new situation, only uses the information that is currently central, overlooking the previous experience. Carefree Farsighted Strives to foresee everything. Once in a new situation, prefers to use the previous experience, even if it’s not relevant to the current situation.

Quadric traits

Doesn’t rush when it comes to making a decision, takes time to think it over. Normally he or she is relaxed. Finds it hard to function on the spot without external motivation. Reasonable Decisive Normally he or she is mobilized. When the work is done, finds it hard to relax without a ritual (say, “we-did-it!” party) or help of the others.
Considering someone else’s opinion, places major importance on this person’s reputation. Relies on his or her own subjective world view. Subjective Objective Considering someone else’s opinion, compares it with the real facts. Believes in objective laws being true, independent of subjective opinions.
Sees people as members of a group, hierarchy or social network rather than individuals. Aristocratic Democratic Sees people as individuals rather than members of a group, hierarchy or social network.